International Red Cross fights video games
The International Red Cross has too much time on its hands: THE Red Cross is investigating whether 600 million gamers are violating the Hague and Geneva conventions when they kill and blow stuff up for...
View ArticleGames get better
Cracked writes that video games are getting much better (warning: adult language): Gamers tend to complain a lot about the state of modern gaming. . . But then I stopped and realized: We have all of...
View ArticlePatriot shames
In honor of last night’s Superbowl loss by the New England Patriots, I’d like to share a flashback to the game in 2007 in which I learned to despise the Patriots. It wasn’t the infamous game in which...
View ArticleArrow
So I watched the pilot for the new television show Arrow, which is based on the DC superhero Green Arrow. The show begins with Oliver Queen (soon to be Arrow) shipwrecked on a desert island. During his...
View ArticleThe truth hurts
Pakistan doesn’t like that the latest Call of Duty game portray’s Pakistan’s intelligence agency as sympathetic to Al Qaeda. Well, boo freakin’ hoo.
View ArticleBaseball’s evil empire
The New York Yankees admit, in court, that they are “baseball’s evil empire”.
View ArticleChinese censors
Chinese government censors are censoring Hollywood movies now: Hand in hand with playing to Chinese viewers comes working with Chinese censors. While experts say that the navigating Chinese rules and...
View ArticleThe evil empire gets its mojo back
Microsoft wants to charge you admission to your own living room: Microsoft has filed for a Kinect-related patent, and it’s a doozy of an application. The abstract describes a camera-based system that...
View ArticleWorld of spycraft
The NSA has been spying on World of Warcraft: The National Security Agency (NSA) and UK sister agency GCHQ sought to infiltrate the massive virtual worlds in online video games such as “World of...
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